July Art Show
Join artists Anna and Aubrey in viewing their portraits of characters from creative films by Tim Burton.
Aubrey has studied art for several years experimenting in different techniques ranging from sculptures, oil painting, charcoal, pencil and ink but makes her way back to her passion for creating portraits as displayed in this series. She is currently continuing her creative goals through her studies at the University of Mary Washington.
@BanditaArtista – Instagram
@BanditaArtista – Instagram
Anna is a graduate of UMW arts and currently teaches at a local high school. She experiments with many techniques within her art and the use of mixed media. These portraits were a great way to work with some of those different techniques and really express the beautiful creations of Tim Burton’s films.
A. Key Design – Facebook
@a.keydesign.art – Instagram
A. Key Design – Facebook
@a.keydesign.art – Instagram